Hana highway
bridge improvements
Upcoming Events
There are currently no upcoming events. Check back in spring 2024.
Past Events
September 2021 | Virtual Public Meetings
The Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT), in partnership with the Federal Highway Administration, Central Federal Lands Highway Division (FHWA-CFLHD), hosted two, virtual public meetings. The meetings were held on Tuesday, September 21, 2021 and Wednesday, September 22, 2021 at 5:30 pm HST via Zoom. The purpose of these meetings were to discus proposed bridge solutions and construction considerations for how HDOT and FHWA plan to improve the bridges and maintain traffic.
September 2021 | Virtual Landowner Meetings
The Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT), in partnership with the Federal Highway Administration, Central Federal Lands Highway Division (FHWA-CFLHD), hosted two, virtual public meetings. The purpose of these meetings were to discus proposed bridge solutions and construction considerations for how HDOT and FHWA plan to improve the bridges and maintain traffic.
January 2020 | Public Meeting
In January 2020, the project team held a public meeting to discuss bridge improvements to six of the historic bridges along the Hana Highway (Route 360) located between Huelo and Hana town in east Maui.
March 2019 | Public Meeting
In March 2019, the project team held a public meeting to discuss bridge improvements to six of the historic bridges along the Hana Highway (Route 360) located between Huelo and Hana town in east Maui.